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The BYU Message

When we say we want everyone on the same page, this is the page we’re talking about.

All communications from BYU should be rooted in the university’s mission and aims. The BYU brand message is a guide to communicating the mission and aims in language that is relevant, concise, and inspiring for a variety of audiences.

Mission, Aims, Message

The Mission of BYU

Excerpted; read the full text here.

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The mission of Brigham Young University—founded, supported, and guided by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints—is to assist individuals in their quest for perfection and eternal life.

The Aims of a BYU Education

Excerpted; read the full text here.

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A BYU education should be
(1) spiritually strengthening,
(2) intellectually enlarging, and
(3) character building, leading to
(4) lifelong learning and service.

The BYU Brand Message

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For the Benefit of the World

We believe a world yearning for hope and joy needs the graduates of Brigham Young University. As disciples of Jesus Christ, BYU graduates are motivated by love for God and His children. BYU graduates are directed by living prophets and prepared to serve, lift, and lead. This preparation demands a unique university model: at BYU, belief enhances inquiry, study amplifies faith, and revelation leads to deeper understanding.

At BYU, helping students to develop their full divine potential is central to both our teaching and our scholarship. As the flagship higher education institution of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU strives to emit a unique light for the benefit of the world—a light that will enable BYU to be counted among the exceptional universities in the world and an essential example for the world.

BYU Students Fight Rheumatic Heart Disease in Samoa
Photo by Nate Edwards / BYU Photo

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[Jesus Christ] doeth not anything save it be for the benefit of the world; for he loveth the world, even that he layeth down his own life that he may draw all men unto him. Wherefore, he commandeth none that they shall not partake of his salvation.
—2 NEPHI 26:24
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The “For the Benefit of the World” tagline should be used in contexts that clearly demonstrate our desire to serve our brothers and sisters around the world. “For the Benefit of the World” is a call, a charge, an expression of our love for God and His children. Avoid using it in contexts that may suggest arrogance or self-importance.

Getting our students to the summit of BYU Everest, the spot closest to the heavens, is about the perspective that height offers. It is all about getting them to a place where God can show them the inhabitants of their world. It is not about getting them to the highest spot for world to see them. They are being called up to serve—not to be carried up to be seen.

Aspiration and Strategy

BYU’s “For the Benefit of the World” message defines our aspiration as a university. “Becoming BYU” outlines our strategy to reach that aspiration. The message answers a series of questions that correspond to the strategic emphases.


For the Benefit of the World


Becoming BYU

We believe a world yearning for hope and joy needs the graduates of Brigham Young University.


We must become BYU for the benefit of the world.
As disciples of Jesus Christ, BYU graduates are motivated by love for God and His children. BYU graduates are directed by living prophets and prepared to serve, lift, and lead.


Build a Covenant Community
This preparation demands a unique university model: at BYU, belief enhances inquiry, study amplifies faith, and revelation leads to deeper understanding.


Dare to Be Different

Expand BYU’s “Double Heritage”

At BYU, helping students to develop their full divine potential is central to both our teaching and our scholarship.


Strengthen the Student Experience

Retain a Focus on Undergraduate Teaching

As the flagship higher education institution of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, BYU strives to emit a unique light for the benefit of the world—a light that will enable BYU to be counted among the exceptional universities in the world and an essential example for the world.



Invest in Mission-Inspired Scholarship

Focus on Mission-Aligned Hiring

BYU Message Themes

To provide helpful guidance for those planning communications, BYU has identified four message themes that are drawn from the BYU Message and the BYU Strategy. They bring together concepts from those statements as well as from BYU's various other messages (the mission, the aims, and other key priorities).

The four messages are listed below, with their corresponding priorities from the Becoming BYU strategy. You can read more about each message on the BYU Message Themes page.


  • Strengthen the Student Experience
  • Retain a Focus on Undergraduate Teaching


  • Build a Covenant Community


  • Dare to Be Different
  • Expand BYU’s “Double Heritage”


  • Invest in Mission-Inspired Scholarship
  • Focus on Mission-Aligned Hiring
A professor and students study the impact of wildfires.
Photo by Nate Edwards/BYU Photo

Message Alignment

The BYU message aligns with key messages from the university, the Church Educational System, and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. BYU communicators should focus on the themes at the left; this chart illustrates how the BYU themes connect to other messages.

Message Themes
BYU Foundations
CES Messages
Church Messages


Strengthen the Student Experience

Retain a Focus on Undergraduate Teaching

MISSION: Quest for Perfection and Eternal Life
CES 2: Conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ
God’s Eternal Plan of Happiness Gives Life Purpose and Meaning


Build a Covenant Community

AIM 3: Character Building

AIM 4: Lifelong Learning and Service

CES MISSION: Develop Disciples of Jesus Christ Who Are Leaders

Jesus Christ Is Our Savior;

Covenants Bind Us to God and Each Other


Dare to Be Different

Expand BYU’s “Double Heritage”

AIM 1: Spiritually Strengthening

AIM 2: Intellectually Enlarging

CES 1: The Church Is Deeply Committed to EducationGod Is the Source of Light and Truth; God Hears and Speaks to His Children


Invest in Mission-Inspired Scholarship 

Focus on Mission-Aligned Hiring

2ND CENTURY: A Unique Light and a Leader Among the Great Universities

CES 4: BYU Is the Flagship and a Light to the World

CES 3: Lift All of God’s Children

Jesus Christ Has Restored His Church

For your reference, below are the 10 foundational messages of the Church and the mission statement and anchor messages of CES.

Church Foundational Messages

  • God Knows and Loves You
  • God’s Eternal Plan of Happiness Gives Life Purpose and Meaning
  • Jesus Christ Is Our Savior
  • God Hears and Speaks to His Children
  • Love God and Your Neighbor
  • Jesus Christ Has Restored His Church
  • The Book of Mormon Is Another Testament of Jesus Christ
  • God Is the Source of Light and Truth
  • Family Is Central to God’s Plan
Telling the CES Story

  • CES Mission: Develop disciples of Jesus Christ who are leaders in their homes, the Church, and their communities.
  • Anchor Message 1: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is deeply committed to education.
  • Anchor Message 2: Why? This commitment grows out of a conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ and a commitment to the first and second commandments.
  • Anchor Message 3: The Church strives to lift all of God’s children, and the Church Educational System serves a wide variety of needs and circumstances.
  • Anchor Message 4: BYU is the flagship and a light to the world, but each of the institutions in the Church Educational System plays a distinctive educational role.