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Primary Colors

Navy PMS 648 C HEX: #002E5D RGB: 0 | 46 | 93 CMYK: 100 | 69 | 0 | 56

Navy represents excellence, integrity, intelligence, and depth of character.

  • Use navy abundantly; it is our dominant color, and it quickly establishes university identity.
  • Navy works well in all situations and all media for all audiences.
  • Use navy for BYU logos and marks that appear on light backgrounds.
  • Navy should be used in facilities, signage, and other permanent applications.
White HEX: #FFFFFF RGB: 255 | 255 | 255 CMYK: 0 | 0 | 0 | 0

White represents the light that we seek to cultivate in our students.

  • White should be your first choice for a companion color to navy.
  • Use white for BYU logos and marks on dark backgrounds.

Secondary Color

Royal PMS 293 C HEX: #0047BA RGB: 0 | 61 | 165 CMYK: 100 | 76 | 0 | 9

Royal conveys energy and excitement, suggesting the youthful and lively aspects of college life. It also evokes BYU’s heritage and athletic traditions.

  • Royal is a preferred accent and background color for all uses.
  • Royal is approved for seasonal, temporary, and marketing uses, especially within athletics.
  • Do not use royal for facilities, signage, or other permanent applications, except as an accent color.
  • Do not use royal for BYU’s primary institutional logos.
  • Royal is considered a primary color for BYU athletics; athletic logos can appear in royal blue.

Marketing Palette

The university's marketing palette provides an extended set of colors that complement navy, white, and royal and that can work well in supporting roles. Endorsed-brand logos and integrated-brand logos use colors from this palette. For accent colors and other uses, this palette is suggested but not required.


Light Blue PMS: 544 C HEX: #BDD6E6 RBG: 189 | 214 | 230 CMYK: 24 | 4 | 0 | 0
Blue PMS: 285 C HEX: #0072CE RBG: 0 | 114 | 206 CMYK: 90 | 47 | 0 | 0
Orange PMS: 7597 C HEX: #D14124 RBG: 209 | 65 | 36 CMYK: 0 | 85 | 95 | 2
Plum PMS: 7433 C HEX: #A73A64 RBG: 167 | 58 | 100 CMYK: 12 | 88 | 18 | 18
Green PMS: 7724 C HEX: #00966C RBG: 0 | 150 | 108 CMYK: 81 | 3 | 64 | 10


Navy PMS: 648 C HEX: #002E5D RBG: 0 | 46 | 93 CMYK: 100 | 69 | 0 | 56
Royal PMS: 293 C HEX: #0047BA RBG: 0 | 61 | 165 CMYK: 100 | 76 | 0 | 9
Burgundy PMS: 7628 C HEX: #9E2A2B RBG: 158 | 42 | 43 CMYK: 0 | 96 | 81 | 32
Eggplant PMS: 255 C HEX: #72246C RBG: 114 | 36 | 108 CMYK: 53 | 100 | 0 | 16
Forest PMS: 7743 C HEX: #44693D RBG: 68 | 105 | 61 CMYK: 65 | 14 | 80 | 45


Slate Gray PMS: 430 C HEX: #7C878E RBG: 124 | 135 | 142 CMYK: 50 | 34 | 27 | 11
Light Gray PMS: 420 C HEX: #C7C9C7 RBG: 199 | 201 | 199 CMYK: 18 | 13 | 10 | 0
Sand PMS: 7530 C HEX: #A39382 RBG: 163 | 147 | 130 CMYK: 29 | 32 | 38 | 9
Light Sand PMS: 7534 C HEX: #D1CCBD RBG: 209 | 204 | 189 CMYK: 14 | 12 | 17 | 0
Blue Gray PMS: 7667 C HEX: #6E7CA0 RBG: 110 | 124 | 160 CMYK: 58 | 43 | 8 | 6

Usage Guidelines

One-Color Applications

When you use BYU logos and marks in one-color applications, you may render them in navy, white, black, or the natural color of the material out of which the mark is created (such as wood, glass, or metal). Do not use any other color for BYU marks.

Background Colors

BYU’s logos and marks should be used on backgrounds that provide sufficient contrast for the logos to stand out clearly. Avoid cluttered or busy backgrounds. When possible, use navy or white as a background for BYU marks. If you use the mark in a way that the background color appears to be part of the mark (as in a social media avatar), use navy, royal, or white for the background color.

Accent Colors

Navy and white complement a wide range of colors. In publications, websites, and other communications, you can use a variety of accent colors to communicate particular purposes.

  • Use an accent color in limited ways to support specific communication objectives.
  • Do not use an accent color in a dominant way, implying that it is an official university color.
  • Do not pair an accent color with navy in a way that implies it has equal or secondary status as a university color.