Campus Support
Tier 2
Campus support entities in tier 2 serve administrative or support functions for the academic mission, generally for a campus audience. Because they support, but are not central to, the academic mission, their visual identities strongly align with the overall university identity, but they differ from the identities of academic entities in tier 1.
Toggle ItemTiers and Interim Guidelines
Interim Guidelines
BYU is in the midst of a major brand study and articulation, expected to be complete in 2020, with new visual identity guidelines launched in 2021. In the meantime
- All current visual identities (as of May 2019) may continue to be used as they are.
- Any new visual identities must be created according to the guidelines on these pages, with the clear understanding that these identities are temporary and may need to change when final guidelines are released.
Tiers Explanation
Based on the premise that good communication and branding are founded on a clear understanding of purpose and audience relationship, the university has created four tiers to describe different types of entities that operate on campus.
Tier 1: Academic
Entities that carry out the university’s core academic mission with its primary audience.
- Examples: Colleges, schools, departments, divisions
Tier 2: Campus Support
Entities that serve administrative or support functions for the academic mission, generally for a campus audience.
- Examples: Administrative and academic auxiliaries, student life
Tier 3: Specialized Academic
Entities that serve special-interest audiences that may be both on and off campus. Audiences may be less connected to BYU than to the subject matter.
- Examples: Research labs, academic centers, curricular groups, clubs
Tier 4: Transactional (Service and Entertainment)
Entities that serve purposes that are an outgrowth of (sometimes tangential to) BYU’s academic mission. Their audience relationship tends to be transactional and the audiences may be broad and diverse.
- Examples: Restaurants, retail, museums, conferences, publications, broadcasting, performing groups, athletics
How Do I Get My Interim Visual Identity?
Publications & Graphics is the primary source for creating and approving interim visual identities.
Toggle ItemCampus Support Guidelines
Campus support entities pair their name with a BYU primary mark.
- Academic, administrative, and institutional support entities use the monogram.
- Student life entities use the block BYU.
The name of the campus support entity follows these guidelines:
- The entity’s name must use an approved typeface (Ringside or Vitesse), though font weight and capitalization can vary.
- For entities that use the monogram in their visual identities, the type treatment of the entity name must be different from the type treatments for college or department names.
- The entity’s name must appear in a primary BYU color (navy, royal, or white). The preferred color combination is navy for BYU and royal for the entity name. On dark backgrounds, visual identities appear in all white.